Friday, January 8, 2010

English Language Learner - English Language

Lets learn the language which can give us value!!!!!
The English language is one which is well easy to learn and understand because in today’s world, it has been spread all over. The English language learners are the people who might be from very rural areas and does not have any idea of this language and never heard this language before. Or the other way might be that the learners are the children. English language in those houses where English has never spoken before is very difficult but it is made easy when the child is sent to the school. In schools, children are only allowed to speak English and in addition to this, they also have a particular subject regarding this language in which the two types are taught to the learners. The first part might be the grammar one through which the speaking level is improved with the meanings included in that. The articles, prepositions, phrases and sentences with the correct verbs, forms of verbs and their locations in the sentences are evolved. This shows the adaptability feature in this language. The other part is the English literature, which caters the literatures upon different novels, issues, stories etc. The English language is the easiest language to learn with a behavior to overcome the fright to learn something new. People don’t like to try in front of the other people, if they are learning English language, because they have a fear to be insulted. This is not the case with the learning of the other languages but specifically the English language because it specifically is the one language which is implemented, renowned and learnt all round the world. The English language learners need to give time to the learning of this language so that they can have better opportunity to access to this wide world.

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